"Normal" Things That I Don't Do

On the whole, I'd say I'm a pretty normal person, but I have some oddities just like everyone else. A lot of times people tend to fixate on things that other (perhaps more successful) people do differently, but today I'd like to share some normal things that a lot of people do that I just simply…

Why I Grew To Despise Language Arts Classes

I've mentioned before that my day job is that of an electrical engineer, a profession that relies heavily on the modes of thinking developed in math and science classes rather than language arts classes, so it should come as no surprise that as my schooling progressed, I grew to favor my math and science classes.…

The True Value of a Georgia Tech Degree

This post could probably apply to a lot of colleges, but I thought I'd give a shout out to my alma mater. There is a lot of angst these days from people my age, many of whom are coming to the harsh realization that getting a college degree doesn't automatically give you a fast-paced high-paying…

How Professional Tennis Is (kinda) Rigged

While my mind is on the subject of sports being unfair, I thought I'd dive into perhaps my favorite professional sport: tennis. Tennis is, for the most part, a pretty fair game. There is, of course, some variability related to an individual player's performance on a given day, meaning that the winner of a single…

A Few More Reasons Why Sports Shouldn't Have Playoffs

I know I'm kinda beating a dead horse at this point, but I feel it is my civic duty to inform my fellow sports fans about some clearly identifiable ways that sports are doing things wrong. For past posts on this topic, see a breakdown on different sports season structure and why baseball should not…